Friday, August 27, 2010

Daisy's Point Of View- Chapter 6

After all the hard work and effort I put in to convincing, I could finally convince Tom to take me to the party that took place in the Gatsby mansion. The party started out fun but lead from being mediocre to a disaster. I mean all the  lower class people joined together, having fun and all the simple ladies getting drunk in front of everyone.  I really didn’t want to be rude to Gatsby and definitely didn’t want to disrespectful so I tried to look like I was having a good time and was enjoying the party, but I didn’t seem to get much out of the party. It seemed like Tom wasn’t feeling the same way as me. He was off talking the to other people that were in the party, who have obviously not been formally invited. Why would he want to talk with people like those who don’t know anything and rudely show up to a party they haven’t been invited? I really tried my best to have fun but I guess these parties are not for me anymore. I wanted to spend time with Gatsby after all the things we went through the other day and also re-embrace and live the past we had together. I missed him but he was nowhere to be found all night long. I guess this was just a lesson from God to me, telling me that it would never be sensible for me to leave Tom, because it would also mean loosing my social status and giving up the glamorous upper-class life and I was definitely not ready to give up all that I had thanks to Tom. I told myself over and over again that night that I could handle small problems in my marriage; I mean which couple in this world doesn’t have problems?  The party showed me the right way to shape my life, which definitely includes being with Tom, till the end.

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