Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daisy's Point Of View- Chapter 5

I was so happy when Nick called me over for tea in the evening. You know it’s just great to spend time with family and especially family which shares common interests with me and keeps me company and my mind off Tom’s dirty business going on in New York. I was overwhelmed with happiness when he especially told me to come alone because the last thing I needed was tom’s presence with me. I feel like we’re growing more apart every day, every hour and even every minute. His presence makes me think about complicated situations that hurt my brain.  It was great timing to go to Nick’s house especially with Tom being God knows where. The driver dropped me off at Nick’s house with the rain pouring down on me like a glass of water being poured down from the sky.  Walked in through the door of the house with a big smile on my face, as I was just too happy to see Nick once again. From his face I felt that he had a lot to tell me about. Probably because of all the time he spent with Jordan in the past few days.  But before I could go up to him to give him a hug, I heard the door opening behind me. Turning around I saw something that had been in my heart for years.  I saw Gatsby, the only men in this entire world that showed my entire body, from my to nail to each and every strand of my hair what love is and how it feels like. I felt my fingers shaking and felt unconscious; I didn’t know what to say or how to respond to this sudden shock that surrounded the whole room. I chose to stay for a second but I wanted to drop myself in to his arms and live the days we had together in the past once again. It was the moment I realized that we belonged together. It was the moment I realized that Tom wasn’t the one. It was him. It was Gatsby. We were together the entire day, eye to eye never looking anywhere else but each other’s eyes. After staying for a couple of hours we went back to his house, which by the way is the mansion that my house looks at and where all the great parties are held.  He showed me all the rooms in his mansion and we lived through the rooms one by one. I was a fool and now I am well aware of it. I don’t want my daughter to be a fool. I didn’t want to back to the cold, unbearable atmosphere of my house that night, but here I am once again, alone in my house with no one who cares about me as much Gatsby. He was also kind enough to invite us to a party in his house which I doubt Tom can decline because it's a formal invitation.  I would love to see Gatsby at one of his parties and get a taste of the parties that go on in his mansion! I'm extremely excited!

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