Sunday, February 12, 2012

Master Harold... and the boys

Woman of Magnitude

When it comes to picking a man of magnitude, there are so many people to consider. As a Turkish citizen Atatürk is the most important one to consider looking at all the advancements he made to our country. However, what I realized is that when it comes to picking a man of magnitude, accomplishments aren’t what we look at. Man of magnitude is the person we can relate to, someone we can empathize with and someone who inspires us an urges us to think outside of our boxes. This is why my woman of magnitude is Emmeline Pankhurst.

Emmeline Pankhurst is a woman I have admired since I was in third grade. She was a women’s suffragette, a woman who fought for equal rights for women, such as the right to vote. To achieve her goal she took on risks and tried everything from enduring ten hunger strikes to opening several organizations to empower women in England and bring them together. She was widely criticized for her militant tactics, and historians disagree about their effectiveness, but her work is recognized as a crucial element in achieving women's suffrage in Britain. I still think she is my hero as well as my woman of magnitude because in my country, women rarely fought for their rights, rather the leader of the country granted them rights. This is why I feel even more fascinated by what she achieved.

Emmeline Pankhurst is also my woman of magnitude because of the way she dealt with her fears and adversity when she went against the grain of society. The way she presents herself as a fearless woman ready to fight for what she wants is inspiring to me because she is the person I want to be like. Today I’m a girl that isn’t afraid but looks frail, fragile and timid. It is okay to be afraid, it is okay be to be scared of the world, just as long as you don’t show it. Because when you do, you fall apart. Emmeline Pankhurst is one of the strongest women I have encountered. Living in a man dominated world, she had the courage to stand up and show everyone that what she believed in was the correct thing to believe in and for that I’ll admire her for the rest of my life because in the short life that I lived I understood that the hardest thing is to one, change the point of view of a socially blind community and secondly to accept that you’re wrong and admit that someone else is correct. Emmeline Pankhurst both changed the point of view of many people in her community and made people admit that she was actually correct.

To see that just one person with a dream and several people who believe in that person is enough to achieve anything gives me hope for the future and also a passion to fight for the change I want to see in the world. It is inspiring to read about what she achieved because she fought for women to have the right to vote in a world were women didn’t even have a voice. There will never be women as strong as Emmeline Pankhurst even though we now live in a world where “men and women are equal”.